1-1, 1-2 Points,_Lines,_and_Planes (6).ppt

1-3 Area and Perimeter level 9 and 1.ppt (375 kB)

1-4 Segment Congruence, Distance.ppt (426 kB)

1-5 Midpoints and Segment Congruence (4).ppt

1-6, 1-7 Angles level 9 and 1.ppt

2-1 Inductive Reasoning (9) (1).ppt (200,5 kB)

2-2 Conditional Statements and Postulates (9) (1).ppt (773,5 kB)

2-3 Deductive Reasoning (9) (1) (4).ppt (214,5 kB)

2-4 Using Proof in Algebra (9) (1) (1).ppt (368,5 kB)

2-5, 2-6 Verifying Segment and Angle Relationships (9) (1) (1).ppt (310,5 kB)

3-1, 3-2 Parallel Lines and Angle Relationships (9) (1) (1).ppt (1,7 MB)

3-4 Proving Lines Parallel (9) (1) (3).ppt (282 kB)

4-1, 4-2 Classifying Angles in Triangles, Angle Sum (9) (1) (4).ppt (503,5 kB)

4-3 Exploring Congruent Triangles (9) (1).ppt (896 kB)

4-4, 4-5 Proving Triangles Congruent (9) (1) (4).ppt (914 kB)

4-6 Isosceles Triangles (9) (1).ppt (1,3 MB)

5-1 Special Segments in Triangles (9) (1).ppt (508,5 kB)

5-2 Right Triangles (9) (1).ppt (221 kB)

5-3 Indirect Proof (9) (1).ppt (207 kB)

5-4, 5-5 Inequalities Involving One Triangle (9) (1).ppt (271,5 kB)

5-6 Inequalities Involving Two Triangles (9) (1).ppt (212,5 kB)

6-1, 6-3, 6-4 Quadrilaterals (9) (1).ppt (314 kB)

6-2 Tests for Parallelograms (9) (1).ppt (1 MB)

6.5 Trapezoids and Kites (9) (1).ppt (224,5 kB)

7-2 Exploring Similar Polygons (9) (1).ppt (216,5 kB)

7-3 Similar Triangles (9) (1).ppt (396 kB)

7-4, 7-5 Proportional Parts Powerpoint (9) (1).ppt (293 kB)

8-1 Geometric Mean and Pythagorean Theorem (9) (1).ppt (587 kB)

8-2 Special Right Triangles (9) (1).ppt (460 kB)

8-3 trig ratios (9) (1).ppt (540 kB)

8-4 Angles of Elevation and Depression (9) (1).ppt (710 kB)

8-5, 8-6 Law of Sines and Cosines (9) (1).ppt (678 kB)

9-1-9-5 Circles Powerpoint (9)(1).ppt (655,5 kB)

9-6 Secants and Tangents (9)(1).ppt (249 kB)

9-7 Special Segments (9)(1).ppt (213 kB)

10-3 Area and Perimeter of Parallelograms (9) (1).ppt (339,5 kB)

10-4 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids, Kites and Rhombi (9) (1).ppt (656,5 kB)

10-5 part 1 Areas of Circles - Sectors (9) (1).ppt (508,5 kB)

10-5 part 2 Area of Regular Polygons (9) (1).ppt (239,5 kB)

10-6 Geometric Probability (9) (1).ppt (7,1 MB)

Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume Powerpoint (9) (1).ppt (1,8 MB)

Midpoint.pptx (154,2 kB)



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